Vaginoplasty & Labiaplasty

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Vaginoplasty & Labiaplasty

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The category “vaginal rejuvenation” refers to surgical reconstruction of the vagina for cosmetic reasons as well as symptomatic and functional reasons.

Vaginoplasty: Vaginal Reconstruction

What is vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure to restore the vagina that has been damaged or become widened from childbirth and/or aging. The purpose is to tighten the vagina.

Following childbirth women may be affected by stretching of the tissues and separation of muscles. This may result in reduced sensation, sexual dysfunction and in some instances cause tampons to fall out.

As with other muscles and tissue your vagina tends be become weak over time resulting in laxity. Women who opt for this surgery tend to be older than 30.

What happens during vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is an outpatient procedure that takes 1-2 hours. Patients will not be conscious during the surgery procedure. Either sedation or general anesthesia is used.

Following the procedure, patients are allowed to go home after a 1-2 hours. Patients are given post-operative instructions as well as prescriptions for pain.

Your doctor will assess how much skin will need to be removed from the vagina. The skin will be marked. A triangle shape incision will be made from the perineum to the inner floor of the vagina. Once excess tissue is removed the muscles below the skin are tightened or pulled together using strong sutures.

Excessive skin on the outside of the vagina, the labia, can be removed as well for aesthetic improvements.

What are the risks of vaginoplasty?

As with any surgery, although rare, there are risks. They may include:

  • Infection
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Pain
  • Scarring
  • Inflammation

What is the recovery time for vaginoplasty?

The initial pain and swelling should decrease in 3-5 days. Downtime will vary from patient to patient with most recovering in 2-4 weeks. During these time patients may still be experiencing pain and discomfort. They will be instructed to abstain from intimacy and tampon use for 8 weeks. These symptoms are similar to child birth. Recovery has been described by patients as being much like recovery from having a baby. Full recovery may take 3 months or longer.

The information provided is only a guideline.

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Labiaplasty – Vaginal Reconstruction

What is labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure for the outside area of the vagina or the vulva, the labia minora and majora. Labiaplasty is enhancement of the labia or reduction.

There are two labia known as minora and majora. The labia minora are the inner folds or lips and are commonly enlarged and or asymmetrical in which one side is larger. Some may hang below the majora. This can cause discomfort or issues with clothing. It can have a negative impact on confidence and intimacy. Patients may also see this as an undesirable look.

The labia majora are the outer folds or lips and are larger than the minora. These are the most visible part of the vagina. They may appear to have lost volume and elasticity causing them to look deflated and wrinkled. In this situation the tissue can be enlarged using fillers or the excess skin can be removed to create a smaller labia.

In either case whether it is long labia minor or wrinkling of the labia majora surgery will make them look more youthful. The procedure will address size, shape and symmetry. It may improve any related discomfort patients may be experiencing.

What happens during labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure that takes 1-2 hours. Following surgery, you will be able to go home the same day. Patients will be given post-operative instructions and may be prescribed pain medications.

The procedure itself involves trimming the labia minora or using a wedge technique in which a central portion of tissue is removed from the labia majora. The edges that were cut are then precisely stitched together.

What is the recovery time for labiaplasty?

Most patients will recover and return to normal activity in 2-4 weeks. It may take as long as 8 weeks before patients are comfortable enough to resume sexual intercourse.

Candidates for vaginoplasty and labiaplasty

Patients must overall be healthy prior to any type of surgery. Some patients are experiencing discomfort when wearing certain clothing and during intimacy. Most simply want to change the appearance of their vagina and/or tighten things up.

The information provided is only a guideline.

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